Hi and thank you for visiting.
Welcome to the place to get your writing aspirations underway.
My name is Dominic Canty - writer, journalist, stand-up comic, rock and blues singer, lover of apple strudel, founder of Creative Writer, and, most relevantly to this introduction - an author quoted by South London Press as being “one of London’s most exciting new writers” upon the release of Dead Men Should Know Better – the first novel in the Bristo Trabant Secret Agent Series.
I always wanted to be a writer. Growing up in South East London, I was forever creating characters and stories, and couldn’t get enough of the huge plots and international locations of the Bond films and novels; likewise, the Len Deighton Cold War classics. Yet the more I read, the more I realised I just didn’t have the tools to produce structured, presentable work. The answer was obvious, and looking back, enrolling on my very first creative writing course was the best investment I have ever made. It was pivotal, setting me free on this joyous path that gets ever-more rewarding.
At Creative Writer, we are passionate about inspiration; about inspiring new and existing writers to discover and develop their voice; to get productive, learn the creative process, polish their ideas into glistening gemstone works of fiction that readers simply won’t want to put down.
Whatever your writing goal, be it a novel, short story, memoir or work of non-fiction, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
I hope to see you on one of our courses soon.
Best wishes and happy writing!